The rhapsody of home break, movability and career progression on the weighty end

Living is a struggle, and a big struggle if you are striking the dead end of the wall in your movability, career and comfort.

Something truely marvellous has to happen to break the rut, otherwise you happen to think being stuck in its neverending nothingness. Sometimes, you need to break the mould yourself, and just get out of the revolving door. 

We decided that it was time for a break from the same rigmarole of getting up to chase clientele and business, while my sweet half and the sweeter addition, longed for a spacious existence. The futile attempts at getting the country's driving license fuelled further pent up frustrations. High time to crack this regime. 

Moving our residence outside the city and commuting by sharing taxis, remained the only conclusion against a dwindling range of options. So, we took the plunge in shifting lock, stock and barrel to a reasonable and quite affordable, one bedder apartment. Space wasn't a constraint now. However, something else began to emerge in our mindspace. The pleasure of taking an excursion from our daily grind.

We were toying with the idea of going for a home break, it had been over a year when I visited the home shores. Have to hurriedly complete the pending works, close the shop, put up client applications and call it cheerio!

Packed our bags and off we fly away to our home nest.The beaming face of my brother greets me at the airport and we are headed home. Nice homecoming, our parents are excited to greet us back and then some rudimentary fare is served, but dinner spread is lavish.

Feasting has just begun, unmindful of the impact it would have on my weighty side.Dollops of salivating food is serving the rounds, appetising and lavishing, the belly appeared to be pleased, ignoring the fact that overnight it has to do a lot of heavy lifting. Homecoming is really a food fest.

You tend to get invitations too of more lavish fares and the pipeline seemed to be limitless.Whatever was left, got covered by snacking out in upmarket restaurants and cafes. Nothing left for imagination. The internal dynamics of my body were feeling the pinch, as the cholesterol overload started swarming over my system, albeit in a more subtle manner. The food was good, but too rich! 

Where are we going rudderless? As if stung by a food bug to gorge on these oodles of goodies, and more food to follow.

Tremendously successful in reimagining what a blissful living was, I wasted no damn opportunity. My extraordinary half though made some feeble noises of restraint, they were drowned out in the din of those seductive dishes clunging to one another. 

Meanwhile, something real beautiful had occurred. My cutiepie walked a few steps unaided for the very first time. I became overwhelmed with pride and joy. Lo behold! she was on her own two feet like all of us around her. 

I tried to get back in my earlier place of residence, but lure of moolah in significantly higher currency is simply irresistible. It was over 50 days from our arrival, time to wind up for our destination Dubai. 

The see off feasting came with another round of coup de grace to my already pulverised system, reeling under this diabolical deluge. 

Finally au revior and we kissed goodbye to the home shores laced by a wonderful time, spent in the bliss of an extraordinary moment. 

Upon reaching home and after taking off home blues, I started to feel those blissful pounds adding to my physical frame.The holiday break indeed was unforgiving on my weighty side. 

A conclusive study by Jamie Cooper et al  in  a prospective study of vacation weight gains in adult, published in journal of Physiology and Behaviour, March 2016 lists the following findings:

Vacations resulted in significant weight gain (0.32kg), and this weight gain persisted at the 6-week follow-up period. The weight gain appeared to be driven by increased energy intake above energy requirements. This gain could be a significant contributor to yearly weight gain in adults and therefore affect obesity prevalence.

Other studies and experimental findings do conclude the phenomenon of weight gain on vacation or holiday breaks being 0.5 to 1kg in just a few weeks window.

Yet, I think mine turned out to be phenomenally higher, at the minimum being 3 to 5 kgs in this 52 day homecoming break.

Back to the brassstack then, I enrolled into a leading driving school for getting driving license in a shorter time frame and easier fashion.The driving school's had a coaster bus service, which picked and dropped me near my apartment building. Finally, came the big moment on 4th June 2002, the date etched in my office diary and vividly secure memory track. WOW!

Personal movability is a tremendous experience, it shakes the game of your life, especially in a country where walking a few metres in the open sun can really bake you up like a trussed omelet. Scant public transport at that time also compounded a gruelling issue.

However, it added to the perennially alive, burning issue of weight accumulation in two pronged manner. Firstly, car mobility gives you access to restaurants around and wider, eating takeaways on the sidelines and exotic dines over the weekend. Secondly, car driving itself adds further bulk to your outgrowing physique. 

In an oft-quoted study by Takemi Sugiyama, PhD in the American journal of  Preventive Medicine February, 2013, arrived at the following conclusion:

Over 4 years, those who used cars daily for commuting tended to gain more weight than those who did not commute by car. This relationship was pronounced among those who were physically active during leisure time. Reducing sedentary time may prevent weight gain among physically active adults.

I reckon, this wisely sums up the denting by car driving to any weight loss programme. 

Deeply, the super addition to personal mobility brought me comfort and new horizons to explore. I progressed to labelling myself as 'consultant' rather than a mere life insurance representative, by transiting to pure savings plans of renowned international insurance companies, head officed in Isle of Man.

I also tied up with a veteran representative for the viatical and life settlement investment, and brokered a few sovereign bonds for my clients.In the ensuing process, I got the client of my life, who did maximum business with me on several newer verticals throughout my career.I still uphold him in the highest esteem. 

The year saw me reach the first milestone of my career...I hit the five figure mark in my monthly earnings. Exhilarating to the core!

However, these new achievements didn't let me get drunk up on the success nectar.We still lived 2 years behind our income, as smartly suggested by world's leading life insurance professionals to manage the income uncertainty. My income  continued to comprise of commissions, split commissions and limited brokerages. 

Still,  the biggest drawback continued to be lower listing of my weight reduction priority.It had actually taken a backseat in this vigorous hunt for comfort, leisure and career progression. 

Turning over to the next chapter in a year marked by a war closer home, change of workplace and flying down to another country, in this fast paced world of power, projection and privileges. 

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