Back to square one, but with a twist in tale

Uncertainty riven all over, the year 2000 was worth the stability, choice and aspiration.It was like the rocking boat, out first time in the stormy seas, had stabilised and transformed into a sailing ship.

A cute addition to the family was on cards, which led to my heavenly half flying to the homestead.The news was overwhelming and rejoicing, however, it tilted the scales back to the same old groove. Yet, there was a twist to the tale.

Home cooking fresh and healthiest option, suddenly was zapped out from my daily living.I had to compromise and strung back to the same drudgery of eating outside 'convenient' food. 

It was then, I decided to try my hand to the restricted cooking access that I could muster.I bought convenience food, frozen chicken sausages and bread loaf. Avoided
egg for some strange superfluous thinking. Egg may fatten me with all its encumbering cholesterol layering. Dreamed eagerly of getting in my original self. Oh what a pipedream! straight from the dream chimney.

Fantasy can be a strange friend, but reality strikes differently. Life is the simplest common denominator of the sum of our existence on this planet. WE humans complicates this humble existence.Often, we live all our lives in trying to prove a vicious point with the doubting Thomases or struggling to keep up with the Vanderbilt or Jones (depending upon which side of the Atlantic you inhabit).

Well, picking the thread of our twisted tale, I thought ( somewhat skewed) that fixing my own breakfast by heating up 12 medium sized, frozen chicken sausages with bread loaf would be my ultimate liberation food to the fit and fine ME version. This sumptuous breakfast was preceded by a circular jog of a rhombus shaped, studio apartment room. I kept a watch that showed 15 minutes jogging window, followed by a hiatus in preparation of this fantasized breakfast. Now came the time to gorge on the sumptuous fare laced with a bit of tomato ketchup. 

The sausages had a nice sizzle to the discovery, felt marvellously appetising after  an apparent start for a hard day's work. Some of it already set in motion by the seemingly labouring jog, which just concluded in a bizzare circulating fashion.

Reflecting back, it couldn't have been a more weird start to the day. Just feeling awkward about the nasty, carcinogenic overdose that day in and day out, continued to pummel my delicate digestive system. 

In an article finding by Heather Alexander of MD Anderson Cancer Center, UT Texas (30th June, 2021), quotes Debra Ruzensky, a clinical dietitian at the Center, " a 50 gms consumption of processed meat per day increases your risk of colorectal cancer by 16% i.e. one hot dog or two slices of ham".

In another such evidence based finding, Atli Arnarson, PhD, published by on 4th June, 2017, in his article Why processed meat is bad for you, strongly advocates against the debilitating damages that goes much beyond cancer, and can lead to vicious chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, COPD, cardiovascular malfunctioning etc.

In other words, chuck that bewitching, tantalising lure of sausages, hot dogs, salamis and a host of those seductive meat paraphernalia, which are curated, nitrated and god knows, how many processed hoops they had undergone in altering their original structuring.

After this fulfilling breakfast, a glass of sugary orange juice happened to be the norm. What good does it do, heavens knows, other than supplying your food chain with excess sugar for the day.

Off we go, hitting the money trail, out in the direct overhanging sun of the Middle East. Personal mobility still far away, either it was a kilometer or two walk to the office or taxi if the heat became too unforgiving. On the way, sometimes meeting clients/ potential clients at their shops and exchanging thoughts over a cup of coffee or tea.In the beginning of 2000 decade, physical interactions were the prerequisites of doing business. 

Gradually, a feeling of deja vu began creeping in, and I started deviating from the business, seeking alternative pastures even a salaried job in local banks. Business slowed and income halved. The alternatives proved only wasteful distractions and nothing else, so much of time lost in chasing the birds in the bush.

Subsequently, my nothingness got completed after the arrival of my real half and the super addition to our twosome being. She was cute, mesmerising and often, fascinating in dead hours of the night during peak sleep hours. In actual sense, she took my sleep away, but it was magic!

My whole cycle got refitted again, but the space crunched. We longed for our own mobility, as public transport was difficult
and personal taxi hires undeniably inconsistent.

I got introduced to another business vertical from the of the pioneering companies in viatical and life settlement business. Tried to market this weird looking concept of investing in death futures  (sounds gory), but it promised me the moon.
I began to feel rising to the top of the business pyramid.

However, in all this milieu, the food habits didn't change much. Sausage, white loaf bread and packaged orange juice continued as staple breakfast fare, which however, was peppered with home cookings. I did try to be back home for lunch, otherwise if traveling to client destinations around the city, I chewed on the fiberless, fattening wonders. Middle East's own variant of processed meat bites..the Shawarma, making up the missing peice of the twisted jigsaw puzzle in this unrealised journey of fattening foods and weighty pile ups.

Strange events happened in the run up to the new year 9/11, war on terror, oil shocks et al. Yet, life continued on its elliptical path. My brother visited us in his transition to the university years. I had to attend to him for making his visit worthwhile, balancing with family and business responsibilities too.

Watch the next layer of business consolidation, home break and finally, achieving the desperate pursuit for personal mobility. All shooting at the top by the unrelenting weight rebalancing.

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