Disruptions and a discovery: changing the game

Many a disruption have often changed the face of humanity, mine being no exception, as the new year rolled by.

After a quieter year, I was again set for a new disruption, which proved tumultuous and conflicting, but had a sweet ending.

What looked benign, raked up a massive storm that violently rocked my little boat out in the open sea.

I went on calmly in my routine business affairs, and got a leg up when the Middle East head of a leading Isle of Man based insurer, awarded me a direct agency of his company. I immediately went on a marketing spree, roping in as many sub-agents as possible. 

Simultaneously, I had requested for a no-objection certificate from the brokerage firm whose employment visa I held. Consecutively, this became a conflict of interest situation, and the bosses at the firm came to know of my varying positions. They instantly turned vengeful and devoted all their negative energies to put me under a labour ban after ejecting me out of the country.

It was a woefully long summer that threw my family asunder, while I pitched in to fight the long battle at the country's immigration. The disruptions beseiged me mentally, reducing everything to a drawn out mind game.

Fortunately, I created a friend circle who shared meals in these testing times, while continuing to do business. 

Real estate and construction was booming in Dubai and the wider Gulf region. The city state had thrown open certain, designated areas to non-nationals in 2002, vying for a slice of Dubai. The atmosphere was cheery and boisterous. Investors and dealmakers were flowing in from everywhere. The globe became an oyster. 

In this scenario of boom and gloom, I was introduced to the mortgage vertical, as the rising real estate frenzy brought in several British investors who knew only leverage backed buying in the market. 

Meanwhile, the mental baloney of the immigration case and the need to eke out new business, led my schedule helter skelter.I was surviving on my spares.

Driving out earlier in the morning with base breakfast, returning or staying on unscheduled, sometimes having lunch almost late afternoon/early evening. 

Still, I longed to work on my body and weight.I could ill afford to spare any morning hours for running or gymming, both of which I found ineffective in sustainable weight loss. I looked for something time efficient and effective simultaneously.

By chance, came across some literature by an American fitness guru Matt Furey who had gathered the age old exercises of Indian wrestlers including the great Gama, and turned them into a potent fitness package. 

Matt Furey called his set of exercises 'combat conditioning', and the exclusive set of exercises as the Royal Court. Royal Court contained only three premium exercises of the Indian wrestlers, which Furey christened them Hindu pushups, Hindu squats and the crown bridge. Hindu being synonymous with India, oblivious to the fact that the great Gama was a Muslim from the undivided India. 

I warmed up a bit, doing some aerobics from my student days when I was a gym regular. I then went for these Royal Court exercises, not knowing how to differentiate them from standard pushups and squats. There was a paucity of instructive videos and other self help material on the internet. 

Somehow, a close friend in my illustrious circle, pinched a detailed copy of Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning material from the internet, which showed the positions through descriptions and pictorials. I could not cope up with becoming a subscribed member of Matt Furey's client listing on my spare savings. 

Subsequently, I won the case from the Dubai immigration, courtesy an enlightened judgment, which say contradiction in the position of my visa sponsor. 

Now, I decided to do a visit to the home shares after the momentous break over three years ago. I paid a hellish penalty at the airport immigration, but didn't want to cancel my flight. My brother again greeted me at the airport, and after less than a month, I returned to Dubai. 

My family also came with me on visit, however, the joker in the pack was my new visa sponsor who hadn't renewed his company's license. Another, big spanner in the works. 

Upsetting is the least feasible word, these disruptions were indeed tolling on my exercise routine and weight reduction programme. In such times, mind plays games on you to distract from the unpleasant reality. It harked back to another flashy pastime that kept my metabolism activated. Climbing office stairs from the fifth floor to the ground. This activity became quite prevalent in my second job placement when I had to frequently step out for my breakfast and lunch. Often, the office colleagues recalled me from this magnifique run on the stairs.

Incorporating the same flashes from a leaner past, I tried to avoid the building lifts and escalate my way upto the upper destination by foot. Earlier, it turned strenuous, but gradually I grooved into the practice, believing that its my ultimate weight loss nirvana. 

Building stairs were mostly placed as fire escape routes, and sparingly used. Only left to the janitors for cleaning out or placing trash dumps on the stair joining areas.

Surrealism knows no bounds, I climbed up the 11th floor all huffed and puffed, which I reckon was a dangerous attempt in the hindsight. 

Big churns were taking place in my career.We launched a new company in the league of my formidable associates. It was smoothening trend in my professional life. I also got my new residency visa and some fresh business. Things suddenly began looking up. Gloom to boom.

I added another angle in the weight reduction process by intermittent starving, while keeping up with stairs climbing. I started losing weight apparently, felt buoyed. Wanted to show a new face to my dream half. She asked me to join in her brother's wedding, while visiting to collect both her and my bouncing chunk of joy back.

I arrived at home, measuring my weight on  the scale before leaving, which clocked a kilogram short of the centennial...exactly 99 kgs! Woooo..I have done it ( or so I thought).

We flip this deviant period in my life's book, as a recurring disruptive phase of enormous proportion, but one that was successfully countered and won over. Life moves on to the next chapter with unsparing momentum for the weight reduction process in continum.

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